In general, expanding the childcare resources within your community is a rising tide that lifts all boats. Shared services through collaborations with providers can pool administrative tasks such as HR, accounting, and purchasing to help childcare providers focus on delivering quality childcare. Employer involvement in these alliances includes in-kind donations of staff time, products, and financial support.
Tools & Resources
Next Steps
What You Can Do
See if there is a shared services alliance in your area
If there are shared services alliances (SSAs) in your communities, look into them if your working parents currently access care in programs that are already a part of an SSA.
Identify opportunities for support
Understand what kind of support providers in the community need and what role your organization could play in fulfilling those needs. Determine how to enable SSAs for local providers, and how this could impact quality care and childcare supply in your community. Explore leveraging local philanthropic giving to support childcare providers directly.
Participate and contribute
Continue to leverage your organizational capacity towards the shared goal of improving childcare. This is a valuable communications opportunity to reiterate the impact. Invite childcare providers into the small business community and encourage membership in local and regional chambers.
Track your impact
Understand the impact on your community’s childcare supply and quality in addition to the impact on your organization.